wedding inspiration, wedding tips Adam Brophy wedding inspiration, wedding tips Adam Brophy

Want Your Photos To Have More Depth, Just Add Shadows

At its most basic function, shadows slow you down as your brain puts together what it is seeing. And slowing down is what we’re after when we jump on social media, open an album, go to a museum, hold a print in our hands or go to see a movie is all about, isn’t it? We are taking a break from the repetitive go-go-go of our lives in order to connect more deeply with what we need and love.

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wedding tips Adam Brophy wedding tips Adam Brophy

5 Reasons You Should Consider A Post Wedding Session

What is a post wedding session?

It's just an opportunity to get back into your wedding gear (dress, suit, hair and makeup done...just like you did for you wedding day) and actually take time to make some beautiful photos. Maybe you didn't have enough time to do proper portraits on your wedding day or maybe the weather wasn't great or maybe you just want to spend some time with your photographer again, have a few drinks and look good while doing it.

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