In Our Own Little Worlds


How often do you catch yourself on autopilot? Hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, mind somewhere else entirely, perhaps even to the point that if you were asked to recall the things you saw along the road during that last hour, you may not be able to say much. Where is it that we go? What dream states do we enter and exit daily, hourly, minute-by-minute? What would we look like if we were seen at that exact moment? Would we even notice that? All of these questions and thoughts have inspired this exploration of ongoing work that spans over the last seven years (and is ongoing) as Adam wonders what this work is all for; someone recently expressed the act of making work in this way: as a collecting, and that resonates. As Adam spreads out the work in front of himself, however, he sees the question as this: In our long gaze, in our day dreaming, in our moments of detachment are we connecting to something deeper, something more real, something beyond us or are we wrapt up in a projection of our reality - a sort of watching the movie goer watch the movie?